So I’ve been neglecting this blog for too long now. I was recently invited to take part in the Start Experience in connection with John Acuff’s book Start. I had to pick a challenge for the next 24 days and I choose to challenge myself to write here three times a week.
I imagine I’ll have some new readers from the experience reading this blog starting yesterday or today. To the new readers I say ‘welcome.’ This blog has gone through a couple of iterations since I registered the domain name. It is meant to be a space where I can practice and hone my writing muscles.
Part of the problem I have in writing is not having a specific topic. I write music reviews at another site and that is marginally easier for me because I have a centered focus: the album and the artist. Here it is kind of free form. I’ve kicked around writing about information technology since I work in the field. I’ve kicked around writing about music because I do reviews and because I do a podcast dedicated to independent music. I’ve thought about writing humorous observations.
Needless to say I’m pretty ADD about the whole writing experience so I really can’t tell you what to expect over the next 24 days in terms of content. Since I haven’t been assigned a challenge partner yet, to any of you reading from the Experience consider this my goal for today: write something and post it.
Feedback is always appreciated.