Monthly Archives: March 2013

Insert witty title here

This is more a test post than anything.  It seems the last two or three entries I’ve made did not show up on Twitter and I’m wondering if its an issue with the plug-in or an issue with posting from … Continue reading

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Scenes from a frustrated dreamer

I guess it was bound to hit sooner or later. I think I got used to this idea of having all of the free time in the world. Seems like, lately at least, I’m paddling to keep my head above … Continue reading

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One other thing

I’ve decided to go back to my old blogging title. I think I was, in some small way, psyching myself out with the new title. It felt like it should be the title of a productivity blog or a life … Continue reading

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It has been a long day. I feel like I’ve not done a good job of keeping up with blogging here or at my podcast’s site. I’m hoping with the mini iPad I’ll be able to do more in terms … Continue reading

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